Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sometimes I'm glad I grew up....

I just took an entertaining, albeit slightly horrifying, little stroll down memory lane. There I was sitting at the kitchen counter, doing nothing in particular with the radio playing in the background when suddenly the opening bars of a particular song sent me flying back 10 years into my childhood. Before I knew it I was singing every word and my feet were shuffling into the dance routine my friends and I had choreographed...

The song? And it pains me to admit this...
“Everybody” by none other than The Backstreet boys

These guys were the band of my childhood. I had the posters, the t-shirt, the sticker album, the scrapbook and all their songs on tape! (This was a decade ago...)

What was I thinking?

I was a dorky kid.

And as I type this I’m still bopping and singing along to that song:

Am I original? (yeah) Am I the only one? (yeah). Am I sexual (yeah) Am I everything you need? you better rock your body now! Everybody, rock your body...

Yep, I’m still a dork.
But I’m probably the coolest dork you’ll ever meet.

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