Sunday, February 7, 2010


This week I saw the most beautiful picture of myself:

Drawn by: Bianca, 9yrs old

I’ve just completed 3 weeks of teaching practice, 3 glorious weeks in a classroom of 24 little miracles. Those children, with every hug, picture and kind word cemented the dream in my heart and showed me a little more of my purpose.

Surely there is no bigger reward than a child’s trusting hand in yours, confirming your significance.
Surely there are no better words to hear than those spoken by my mentor: “You were born to do this!”
Surely there is no greater feeling than knowing exactly what you should do with your life.

There are many “pictures” of me: student, daughter, friend, sister....
...and now, with absolute certainty I add one more...TEACHER.

Seeing myself through a child’s eyes was the most beautiful picture I could have been given.

What’s your most beautiful picture?

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful!

    I think the most beautiful title I have is the one of wife. I ask my husband why he loves me and the answer is always the same. "Because I chose you. Because you are my wife."

    That is good enough for me. Plus, his drawing is a bit sketchy. :)
