Friday, February 12, 2010

my tummy is happy now.

A bowl of spoiling apples was the culprit behind checking off the latest item on my list:
#51: have a tea party.

Our fruit bowl was looking a little sad, Kate suggested that we turn the offending bad apples into a pie; hence an impromptu pie making session was launched! With no recipe, limited ingredients and a tiny oven it was all a case of throw-thing- in-the-bowl-and-hope-for-the-best. Granted we were aiming to make an apple crumble and the results were something entirely different, but delicious none the less!
The pie was joined by a chocolate cake, we invited some girls around and voila! Instant tea party.

Turns out planning isn’t always a vital ingredient.

The sort-of recipe for our sort-of pie:
(This turns into a delicious gooey toffee apple pie. Well, at least it did when we tried it.)

For the pastry:
Chuck some flour in a bowl, rub in some butter until it looks crumbly. Throw in enough cold water to make a dough. Cling wrap it. Shove it in the fridge till later.
For the filling:
Peel, core and chop the apples. Throw them in a pot with some cinnamon, butter, sugar and golden syrup. Cook it till it smells good, there should be lots of sauce.
For the topping:
Make some more crumblies with butter and flour. Add a whole lot of sugar and some cinnamon.

Line a dish with pastry, fill with the apples and sprinkle over the topping. Bake @ 180°c till bubbly inside and crispy outside. YUM!

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