Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Veggie tales...

My latest adventure is number 53 on my list: Be vegeterian for a month.

This has been a tough one... I started towards the end of last month when pay day seemed a million miles away. Let me tell you, the only thing harder than being a veggie kid is being a poor veggie kid!

But thankfully salvation has come and my pay cheque has been deposited! Which means the fridge is stocked with a grand assortment of...well...er..leaves and roots. Is'nt that a joy?

I'm going to go eat a bowl of sprouts now...

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I lasted about 4 months as a vegetarian - but I ate chicken and fish still...
    But, eating healthy (be it all veggies or just enough to be really healthy) is not easy because it's not cheap!! Makes no sense!!
