Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh St. Paddy's I love thee

St. Paddy’s day check list:

Went to Irish pub (10 points)
Wore green (20 points + extra points for tying a big bow in my hair!)
Caught up with a favourite friend (30 points)
Sang drinking songs (20 points + bonus points for knowing the words!)
Drank Guinness (20 points: list #33- Oh yeah!)
Impressed a genuine Irishman with our Guinness drinking skills (100000 points!)

And there’s no St. Paddy’s without bringing home some mementoes, last year I stole,erm...found... a sign off a street pole.
This years loot:
1x Guinness advert
1x coaster
1x bunch of green balloons
1x green bowler hat (this took particular skill to convince the waiter to get me one!)
The loot would have included a Guinness draft glass but Amy convinced me that stealing the glass would be wrong and shady. Damn.

The hat says it all...on St. Patrick’s day: I’M IRISH!!!!

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