Monday, March 29, 2010

weekend highlights package

What amazing weekend of music, food, random adventures and sleep deprivation! It’s all these unplanned moments of random joy that remind me I’m alive! This is the highlights package...
1. Buying a chequered shirt for 20 bucks, donning a cowboy hat and sheriffs badge and kidnapping Pocahontas
2. Playing the most competitive game of musical chairs I have ever witnessed.
3. Buffet breakfast at the Botanical gardens for an old friends birthday (wasn’t allowed to eat bacon yet, I swear hell is a buffet breakfast where you can’t eat bacon!!!!)
4. Sister bonding time: driving in repeated circles, blasting Queen’s greatest hits and taking 1 ½ hours to find our way home from the gardens. (Should have been a 10 minute trip- I’m gonna be topping my Christmas list with a GPS this year...)
5. Going to watch the orchestra (list #83)
6. Hearing Bach’s ‘Brandenburg concert Nr.3’ played on classical guitar and oboe. Mind blowing. Seriously: Ka-boom. Splat.
7. Spending the evening playing pool, drinking coffee & beer and chilling with the principle violinist. Yep, I know peeps!
8. Hitting Mc D’s at midnight, oreo mc flurry’s and laughing our heads off till 2am.
9. Being stopped by the Popo for driving around a traffic circle the wrong way. (I wasn’t driving. Promise.)
10. Lazing in our lounge, drinking tea and jamming acoustic guitar...bringing us to about 4am
11. Cooking a full Sunday lunch for a good friend while listening to him coax magical sounds out of my guitar
12. Eating CHICKEN after 40 days of fasting meat. My tummy had a party.

life is good. the end.


  1. You truly inspire me to enjoy every little moment life has to offer... so, I want to thank you for that.

  2. thanx Bon....there is so much joy in life when your eyes are open :)
