Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The List

This year instead of rattling off a couple new years resolutions that wont even make it past March,I wrote "the list". I pushed aside losing weight, saving money, not drinking or partying to much and all those other restrictives and instead listed 101 things I want to do to make the most of this year...

These things are a mix of big, small, quick, long-term, insignificant, crazy, silly and meaningfull things.
But all are about touching the joy in each moment!


1. Start a blog
2. Get my second tattoo
3. Play golf
4. Climb billboard @ HCC
5. Learn to cartwheel
6. Make baklava
7. Ride a rollercoaster
8. Run the Spar ladies 10km
9. Steal a road sign or traffic cone
10. Go cane jumping (Again!)
11. Eat sushi
12. Pet an Alpaca or Llama
13. Learn to hula hoop (30 seconds+)
14. Ride a motorbike
15. Start a flower garden
16. Ride a tractor
17. Read Jane Austin: sense & sensibility, Emma, Mansfield park, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion
18. Go to the shop in my PJ’s
19. Dye my hair blonde
20. Go camping
21. Picnic at the Botanical gardens
22. Go to the zoo
23. Read Dickens: Tale of two cities and Great Expectations
24. Visit the Voortrekker monument
25. Visit the Union Buildings
26. Knit a hat
27. Go on a boat
28. Sing a kareoke solo
29. Have a reunion with Pooks & Cornelius
30. Buy lunch for a homeless person
31. Read Catcher in the rye- JD Salinger
32. Go rock climbing
33. Down an entire Guiness on St. Paddy’s day
34. Go out in fancy dress
35. Have a Johnny Depp movie marathon weekend (watch ALL his movies!)
36. Learn to play “Lucy in the sky with diamonds” on guitar
37. Complete a painting
38. Read Wuthering Heights- Emily Bronte
39. Learn to crochet
40. Plant a herb garden
41. Watch the sunrise every morning for a week
42. Dance in the rain
43. Read the entire bible
44. Have a fondue
45. Slide down a hill on a cardboard box.
46. Read Lord of the rings trilogy: JRR Tolkein
47. Write letters of appreciation to important people in my life
48. Ice-skate (without holding the rail)
49. Watch the Parlotones live
50. Fly a kite
51. Have a tea party
52. Make and eat ice-cream sundaes outside in the middle of winter
53. Be vegetarian for a month
54. Make watermelon hats
55. Build a really big sandcastle
56. Plant a tree
57. Have a trolley race
58. Wear a tiara for my whole birthday
59. Go to the theatre
60. Sew an item of clothing
61. Go to the ballet
62. Have a fancy dinner party
63. Dress Goth for a day
64. Make a youtube video
65. Bake cookies for someone
66. Have a Mexican fiesta
67. Watch a live sports match
68. Watch ALL the Star wars movies
69. Surprise someone with flowers
70. Build a puzzle
71. Visit another country
72. Start guitar lessons
73. Play tennis
74. Join a hockey league
75. Flash someone on National cleavage day
76. Go busking
77. Go canoeing
78. Get a pet fish
79. Watch all ten seasons of Friends
80. TP something
81. Eat seafood (prawns, calamari & mussels)
82. Go to a museum
83. Watch an orchestra performance
84. Wear a different colour of the rainbow everyday for a week
85. Get braids
86. Learn to do the splits (improve flexability )
87. Go go-carting
88. Play paintball
89. Sleep under the stars
90. Make candles
91. Enter a poetry competition
92. Get ears pierced (#3)
93. Have an Easter Egg hunt
94. Make a mosaic
95. Write a love song
96. Wear a Natal sharks shirt to a rugby game in Pretoria
97. learn to sokkie
98. Go to the drive in
99. Give someone a valentines day surprise
100. Go horse riding
101. Buy a orphan a Christmas present

Number one: CHECK!!!! now what to do next?

Remind me I'm alive

My best friend, Pookie, taught me to love the rain.

I never paid much attention to it until she pointed out how beautiful it really is, how it reminds us we're alive.

My favorite time is when the dark clouds roll in, when it's a moment away from raining and there's a certain energy in the air, you can breathe it deeply and fully.

It smells like redemption.